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17 Aug The Hunt

“I’m on the hunt for who I have not yet become.” – Unknown A Leader I’ve been told for years in order to be a Leader "you have to have followers."  I still believe this to be true, however recently I was watching a John Maxwell video...

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21 Jul Inspire Others to Inspire Others

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou Leadership:  A Definition What is your definition of Leadership?  Take a minute to write it down before reading further. My definition...

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14 Jul Where is Brittney?

  THE Example of Outstanding Customer Service Let me "Set the Stage" Many of us treat ourselves to something special and inexpensive now and then.  My treat is to get a medium mocha iced coffee at Dunkin Donuts.  I go to the drive-thru of the Dunkin Donuts on...

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03 Jan Execution: Getcha’ Boots On

"Strategy without execution is a dream.  Execution without strategy is a nightmare." - Bill Gates   KISS - Keep It Simple Sam(antha) Assuming you have taken the three steps in last week's blog, 3 Steps for a Strategic Plan, 1) What is the current state of your business?...

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31 Dec Rock’n 2017

Rock the New Year: The New Year holiday marks a new beginning.  Get out there and meet new people.  Enjoy new adventures and create new memories.  Build your networks and grow your business. Wishing you a Happy and Safe New Year!...

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26 Dec 3 Steps for a Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan For many small to medium sized businesses a strategic plan is an after thought or something needed to obtain funding, because the immediate need is to focus on execution.  Businesses ignore the importance of a strategic plan and the subsequent tactical execution plan.  Each...

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19 Dec Confidence is Contagious

"Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence." - Vince Lombardi   The Virus: Lack of Confidence: Lack of self-confidence can be a virus which infects our lives.  We begin to focus our minds and energy on everything we haven't accomplished and we compare ourselves to others.  Next...

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