Where is Brittney?

14 Jul Where is Brittney?


THE Example of Outstanding Customer Service

Dunkin Worker

Let me “Set the Stage”

Many of us treat ourselves to something special and inexpensive now and then.  My treat is to get a medium mocha iced coffee at Dunkin Donuts.  I go to the drive-thru of the Dunkin Donuts on 545 Hazard Ave, in Enfield, CT for my Iced Coffee.  There is a voice which comes over the intercom and it’s Brittney!  Despite the fact she must say the same thing 5,000 times a day, she is always pleasant and cheerful.  It doesn’t matter what time I go through the drive-thru, there she is!

No I’m not a stalker!  This is about the OUTSTANDING and FRIENDLY service Brittney provides.  She starts my day out on a positive note, and NEVER messes up my coffee.

Where Is Brittney?

I don’t know Brittney other than a voice on the other side of the intercom and no she isn’t paying me to write this.  It is unlikely she will even read what I write.

However for the past couple of weeks Brittney has not been on the other side of the intercom.  Where did she go?  I’m feeling a sense of loss of not having the pleasant and friendly voice start my day, or brighten my day if I want the treat at 2:00 pm when my energy starts to fade.

My Realization

It makes me realize, there are MILLIONS of people like Brittney who go unrecognized.  I am ashamed I never got out of my car and went inside to thank her personally.  I know it sounds simple, but why didn’t I take the time to say THANK YOU!  I’m in the business of recognizing good customer service and I wasn’t practicing what I preach.

Pay it Forward!

I was raised with manners, please and thank you.  I expect my children and grandchildren to ‘say the magic words’ if they want something from me.  I always say thank you to the intercom person, however I realize it is faceless and impersonal.  As humans we need the face-to-face recognition for what we do for others.  We want to feel accepted and know we are doing a good job.

I will stop in from now on and see ‘the Brittney’s’ and tell them THANK YOU!

Contact Leading to Unlock if your company would like to develop a culture of outstanding customer service.