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18 Feb Becoming Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

In a world that's constantly evolving, the need to step out of our comfort zones has never been more essential. Embracing discomfort is not merely about facing our fears; it's about finding growth and unlocking our true potential. It's about understanding that the magic often...

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12 Oct New Beginnings

"Today I close the door to the past, unlock the door to the future, take a deep breath, step on through, and start a new chapter in my life." - Unknown Author A Change Over the past several weeks many of my friends, past colleagues and students have...

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21 Jul Inspire Others to Inspire Others

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou Leadership:  A Definition What is your definition of Leadership?  Take a minute to write it down before reading further. My definition...

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06 Dec Intraprenuers: Does Your Company Have Any?

"Intraprenuership is an ATTITUDE, not a department." - Dawn Elyzabeth Intrapreneurs Intrapreneurs are entrepreneurs, within a large firm, who use entrepreneurial skills and thinking to solve problems and innovate.  These people are willing to take a risk, to step out of the corporate norm, and are essential for...

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03 Oct Who are YOU?

“Knowing Yourself is the Beginning of All Wisdom” - Aristotle Recently we began preparing sessions for individuals in preparation for annual reviews and one thing kept popping up in our conversations; who are we?  We began to dig a bit deeper and found we really don’t...

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28 Sep What a FAB-U-LOUS Day!

GOOD MORNING! How many of you look in the mirror each morning and tell yourself it’s going to be a GREAT DAY!  You are excited to start the day and can’t wait to make your day extra special for you and the people around you?  How...

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19 Sep Building a Culture of EMPLOYEE Motivation

Employees Happiness There has been significant buzz in the media about “making employees happy.”  This isn’t solely an employer responsibility.  Employees are the ONLY source for their happiness. People spend the majority of their awake time at work, so it is important for employee mental &...

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15 Sep Are Leaders Chasing Their Tails?

“A bad system will beat a good person every time” - W. Edward Deming Employee Value Proposition Millions of dollars are spent by companies on building employee value proposition (EVP) statements, then an anonymous employee survey is sent to measure the success of what has been rolled...

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