29 Apr Recovery Plan – RISE Up and Grow Your Business
Now that you’ve had some time to add to your board, capture where you’re spending your time and to identify where there is waste, now you have more information to assess the cost of your ideas on the board you created. R.I.S.E. up and grow your business.
Starting in bottom left corner (green area) you have a number of sticky notes which are minimal in cost and do not require much effort to implement and you’ve deemed them to have value to your business moving forward. Select one.
For the purposes of this article, I’m selecting a sticky note from my board, Increase Business Visibility. This is a very broad idea so I’ll need to invest a little time to expand on the idea.
First I looked at the different areas where I am currently visible (web site, FB, LinkedIn, Google Business, etc.) and then I Googled my business and my name. I wanted to see what comes up and whether the information was accurate. A great exercise by the way, because there were several business directories, articles, etc. which I would have missed while investigating.
Next I assemble a list of all these sources and I select three communication vehicles where I wanted to invest time; Website, LinkedIn, and Google Business. The point of only selecting three is to test and learn.
I developed a communication plan for these three items with audience, cost, messaging ideas, frequency and success criteria. This will help me assess the Return-on-Investment (ROI). In my case I can take my hourly consulting fee times the number of hours spent writing content for my website (the cost). The return, in this case, can be both a soft and hard benefit. The soft benefit, a business owner reads one of my articles and is able to move forward on their recovery plan. The hard benefit, a business owner hires me to help with their recovery plan.
All of the costs, benefits, ROI and success criteria & key performance indicators (KPI’s) are assembled into my communication plan.
Next I begin to execute the communication plan. For example, I can, if it makes sense, create one piece of content for my website and share it on LinkedIn. I can ask you to go to Google Business and rate my business, which I’m asking right now. Please go write a review if you feel I’ve provided you value in some way.
In my plan I estimated how long it will take to write content for my website and I’ve realized I under estimated by about an hour (projected vs. actual). So I’ve had to look in the mirror and ask myself, “When is good, good enough?”
After I write the content I share it among the different outlets using my link to my website, since one of my success criteria is to increase traffic to my website.
Review what you’ve created, invest the time to develop the plan and success criteria, select the most beneficial items (no more than 3 at a time) and then execute on the plan. Remember to use the success criteria you developed at the beginning of the plan to measure the success and ROI for your business.
Call to Action:
If you’ve enjoyed this article, please take a minute to share my articles and go to my Google Business page to rate my business.